10 instagram profila za mame kojima je potrebno malo smeha

Svi se slažu da je roditeljstvo jako uzbudljivo iskustvo. Dani ispunjeni smehom, bezbrižnom igrom, golicanjem, pomažu u borbi protiv neprospavanih noći i raznih nezgoda koje umeju da zadese roditelje.

Upravo ti dragoceni trenuci koji ulepšavaju život glavna su tema urnebesnih instagram profila koji će vas razveseliti.


1. @the.real.moms.of.insta: Realna životna iskustva roditelja koja će vas sigurno nasmejati. Gledajući ovaj profil, shvatićete kroz koliko sličnih iskustava ste i sami prošli, a sećanje na te momente će vam sigurno ulepšati dan.

2. @celestebarber: Ako je dosad niste zapratili, učinite to odmah! Ova duhovita majka rekreira fotografije poznatih, uz izuzetak fotošopa, plastičnih operacija i narcisoidnosti. Ona je sasvim obična žena, koja je sarkastičnim stilom svojih instagram fotki uspela da privuče čak 3,2 miliona pratilaca na ovoj mreži, poput pravih supermodela!

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I'm not saying my girls are bad eaters. In fact they're quite the opposite but they have started to get into a bad habit of becoming my personal feeders. 1 for me, 3 for daddy (multipled by 2 as they're twins) . If I resist or pull away, the force by which the food is jammed into my mouth is tripled & results in a fist to the back of throat, half chewed weetabix being deposited directly into my stomach & more gagging than a super injunction. Perhaps it's a clever ploy so that they always have a clean plate and I'm just the mug that hasn't caught on. Outsmarted by a 2 year old again…… in a year's time, If you happen to witness an amorphous blog being cut out of my house & hoisted onto a flat bed lorry with aching axels by an industrial winch usually reserved for cargo containers, just know it'll be me and it will be thanks to these two. #feeders #forcefedtodeath #letsmakedaddybig #noyoueatit #fatherofdaughters #fod #dadlife #instadad

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3. @father_of_daughtersDuhoviti otac koji beleži svakodnevne avanture sa decom, njihove nestašluke i ostale čari roditeljstva. Njegove fotografije su autentične i zabavne, ali ono što je privuklo veliki broj ljudi jesu iskreni opisi ispod fotografija u kojim opisuje život sa četiri ćerke i @mother_of_daughters.

4. @averageparentproblems: Realni problemi prosečnog roditelja.

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Kids. They’re why we can’t have nice things.

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5. @mylifesuckers: Jutjuberka Deva Dalporto će vas neprestano zasmejavati svojim slikama. Duhoviti citati u kombinaciji sa porodičnim fotografijama predstavljaju pravi pogodak.

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Marriage after kids is like a rollercoaster. Some days are exciting, fun, full of life and love, but most days are basically both of us holding onto the handles while screaming, trying not to fall out of the car. My husband and I have gone through a lot since our kids were born and I’ve opened up about our journey (whattup #BachelorNation) on here before, and we have improved SO much, but some days are just hard. It’s hard to admit that we miss the days when all we did was eat, watch tv and make out, and it’s so weird to picture a life without our babies at the same time. The bright side? We’re working on it. So hard. Everyday. We learned that pride ruins everything, and that a simple gesture of love like making the other’s favorite food makes hardships disappear for a minute. Love changes. It matures. We mature. The most important thing is to hold on to each other tightly, and finish the rollercoaster ride with messy hair, but with a very full heart. ❤️

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6. @mayavorderstrasse: Prelepa i duhovita majka koja koristi table sa kratkim opisima situacije na slici, sa kojima se mnogi roditelji poistovećuju.

7. @aliwong: Simpatične fotografije koje obećavaju puno smeha, pravo od čuvene američke komičarke.

8. @imomsohard: Kristin and Jen vode profil koji prati veliki broj ljudi koji podržavaju realno predstavljanje roditeljstva na društvenim mrežama.

9. @the.lego.dad: Još jedan tata koji koristi slike lego igračaka umesto slika svoje porodice, ali je jednako duhovit.

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The Valentines Day hangover is real 😳😂

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10. @livefromsnacktime: Duhovite stvari koje deca pričaju ostaju zabeležene na ovom instagramu.

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